Why Choose Us?
We are dedicated to providing the best chiropractic care in our area. We provide an exceptional experience for our patients with our one-on-one patient-based care in a fun and friendly environment.
About Us
We create a positive and friendly environment while treating your dysfunction and pain. Whether you have chronic or acute pain, a neuromusculoskeletal condition, or aren’t experiencing the wellness and health you hope for, we can treat you on your level and help you reach your wellness goals.
Dr. Dale W Williams, D.C.
Dr. Williams first became interested in the health sciences while taking a biology class in high school. While attending college and continuing my studies in the health sciences he discovered a perfect match: a Doctor of Chiropractic. With his bachelor’s degree in Human Biology he then completed his Doctorate in Chiropractic in St. Louis Missouri at Logan College of Chiropractic in 1996. He has practiced in Billings Montana for over 20 years.
Dr. Williams loves helping people find access to true health and well being. He believe that educating patients is one of the most valuable tools to help people find and maintain health. Over the past 20 years he has been privileged to help people of all age groups, newborn to those approaching 100 years old. He has honed his skills and provides quality care utilizing a variety of techniques.
Dr. Williams has been married for 26 years. He and his wife, Danielle, are the proud parents of eight wonderful children. He enjoys traveling, volunteering at church, and is an exercise enthusiast. He also loves reading books and listening to podcasts on health and well being. Dr. Williams considers himself blessed because of the great opportunities he has had to help people.
Dr. Douglas G. Nebeker, D.C.
Always interested in life, Dr. Nebeker graduated from Brigham Young University with a degree in Biology. He developed a keen interest in the body’s ability to self-regulate and its natural ability of healing. Chiropractic was a perfect choice for post graduate work and he graduated with honors from Palmer College of Chiropractic in Davenport Iowa.
Dr. Nebeker currently practices using a number of techniques including manual and instrument adjusting. Some of the techniques used are Diversifed, Thompson, Activator, and Flexion Distraction.
“If life is a journey, then life’s greatest tragedy is not having enjoyed the ride.” –Author Unknown
Dr. Brian Bushman
Dr. Bushman received his undergrad at Brigham Young University of Idaho with a Bachelor’s degree in Business Management. He later graduated from Logan University, College of Chiropractic with a second Bachelors degree in Biological Sciences, a Doctorate of Chiropractic and a Masters in Sports Rehabilitation. He was also awarded for his excellent use and knowledge of the Logan Basic technique. He has spent countless hours volunteering his doctoring skills to many sports teams, including the Mizzou Tigers, the semi-pro Laurel Locos, the semi-pro Billings Extreme, and the Roundup Panthers High School sports teams.
He has also implemented good health choices in his own life and followed the Billing’s Last Diet to lose over 60 pounds. He firmly believes that chiropractic care goes hand in hand with a healthy life.
Dr. Dak Fike
Dr. Dak received his Doctor of Chiropractic degree from Parker College of Chiropractic (Parker University) in Dallas, TX in 1998. In 2011 he received a Certified Functional Medicine Practitioner (CFMP) designation from Functional Medicine University. One of his passions in life is to keep learning about health and the human body in order to be able to help people live their lives to their fullest potential through natural means.
Dr. Dak and his wife, Joy, have 6 awesome children. They love God, people, the outdoors, sports and our great country.
Dr. Bradley Wilde
Dr. Bradley R. Wilde was born and raised in Welling, Alberta, Canada, attended Logan Chiropractic College in St. Louis, Missouri and has spent his career as a health care professional in Worland, Wyoming and Billings, Montana. For more than 35 years he has been passionate about natural health care and wellness, and has taught numerous classes, workshops and seminars on natural healing.
Dr. Wilde’s approach to health is that the body knows how to heal itself, and that the secret to healing is in identifying and treating the cause of the symptom or disease. For individuals with chronic health complaints, that cause is often elusive or undetected. Dr. Wilde’s expertise lies in his unique method of treatment and in helping the patient discover what they need to do to regain their health.
The Safe Box of Health – 3 Steps to Heal Yourself, a book about the steps you must take to heal yourself and be well, emphasizing the mind/body connection and nutrition.
The Word of Wisdom – A Formula for Health and Healing, written specifically for LDS Church members. It teaches how the revelation called the Word of Wisdom is the answer to many of the health challenges we face.
The Liahona Principle, a book about finding personal direction and understanding in the scriptures.
It Pays to Understand the Book of Mormon, a children’s workbook.
Dr. Wilde and his wife Debi are the parents of seven wonderful children and grandparents to thirteen beautiful grandchildren.
Dr. Daniel Upton
Since opening our doors to patients back in 2002, Dr. Daniel Upton and his staff at Red Lodge Chiropractic Clinic have been a leading resource for healthcare and wellness for patients and their families in Carbon County.
We genuinely care about the satisfaction of our patients and guarantee to provide the highest quality in Chiropractic Care with a variety of safe, natural and effective services to get you back to enjoying your life.
Visit us today and ask how Dr. Daniel Upton can help you and/or your loved ones.
Dr. Gallagher
Certified Chiropractic Sports Physician CCSP
Certified Chiropractic Extremity Physician CCEP
During my 20’s while searching for my passion in life, I developed a serious health crisis. Seeking healing while living and working abroad, I sought treatment at a world-famous health clinic directed by chiropractors. The experience often intense days of chiropractic care, proper cleansing, eating whole organic foods, exercise and learning how to live a healthy lifestyle brought about profound healing of body and spirit but also led to a sound sense of direction. So, at age 28, I enrolled at Palmer College of Chiropractic West.
I have updated, integrated and improved what I learned and have created new and innovative approaches to your health care. Every day in practice I use these unique methods and techniques to help make the necessary changes in creating a pain free and balanced body. If you are searching for a doctor who listens, will take the time to provide you with answers to your questions and present unique ways to address your health concerns, I look forward to meeting you.
Dr. Jordan K. Williams
Dr. Jordan Williams grew up in Stillwater County. He became interested in how the body moves and functions while engaging in multiple sports in high school and into college. He feels his role as a chiropractor is to provide a means of achieving wellness to the community.
Dr. Jordan received his undergraduate degree in Human Biology from Cleveland College of Health Sciences. He later received his Doctorate of Chiropractic from Cleveland University of Kansas City. During that time he developed skills in a number of chiropractic techniques including diversified, activator, Thompson, and flexion/distraction.